Choosing the appropriate level of auto Insurance coverage depends on a number of factors, including the assets you must protect, value of your vehicle, the amount of money you can afford to pay out-of-pocket. Our Cardinal Insurance agents will be able to guide you through the amount of coverage you should have.
The following are some of the insurance options we will discuss when determining what coverage you should have:
Collision and Comprehensive
Collision and Comprehensive coverage pays for damage to your automobile. You can purchase either or both of these coverages for each vehicle you own. If you have an automobile loan, you may be required to purchase both.
- Collision coverage insures you against damage to your vehicle caused during a Collision with another object or by upset.
- Comprehensive coverage insures you against all other physical damage to your car caused by any peril other than collision or upset, such as fire, theft, lightning, windstorm and vandalism, to name a few.
Collision and comprehensive coverage usually includes a deductible, which can range from $100 to $2500. If your vehicle is damaged, the Insurance Company pays only for the damage in excess of the deductible you selected. The higher the deductible, the lower your premium will be.
Liability coverage
Liability coverage pays for both injuries you cause to other people and damage you cause to other people's property, when you are at fault, in an automobile accident.
Optional coverages
Optional coverages include things such as towing, non owned auto, accident waiver, loss of use, waiver of depreciation, and roadside assistance, to name a few.
Our agents at Cardinal Insurance can help you evaluate the options available to you for your automobile insurance so you have the proper coverage to protect yourself financially, in the event you are involved in an accident.